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Manifesting the life you desire with the power of the New Moon

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

January is traditionally the time that we all set goals for the month or year ahead, a lot of people make New Years Resolutions which are maybe wild and hard to achieve or easier goals like drink more water. Whatever it is that you would like to achieve in the year ahead making small steps and working towards your goals will help you achieve the goal that you desire, if you can visualise it and believe in yourself then you can make it happen. The key is in the doing, its not enough to write it down or think it you have to make small steps towards making it happen.

When I studied mythology and moonology something that occurred to me is that even if you decided you didn’t believe in the power of the moon working with its cycles can help you achieve your goals and dreams. With every New moon there is the power to manifest your dreams, write down a list of what you would like to achieve, be, do, how you would like your life to be different and then write down ways to commit or work towards them and make the commitment to yourself to do/make/be what you have set out for yourself. Then on the next New Moon review what you have written the previous month, feel proud of yourself for what you have achieved so far and commit to another set of goals for the month ahead. Visualise yourself where you want to be in the life that you want to be in. Dare to dream and then write down what it is that you are dreaming about as if it has already happened, make this your mantra and believe in yourself as you work towards the life you are creating, manifesting and working towards with the power of the Moon.

The New Moons bring with them different energies and depending on what house the new moon is in for you based on your time and date of birth it can be the ideal time to focus on particular aspects of your life, they also bring with them a more general energy that affects us all.

The New Moon in January 2022 was on the 2nd (in the UK) and was a Super New moon in Capricorn making it a very powerful time to be manifesting your dreams and thinking about how you can achieve them as the new moon in Capricorn is all about planning and working steadily towards your goals. Make a plan and commit to it and ultimately commit to yourself and your dreams.

The next New Moon is on the 1st (in the UK) of February and it is in Aquarius. The New Moon in Aquarius is an ideal time to reflect on if you are indeed being true to yourself and giving yourself the freedom to be you. It’s also an ideal time to reach out to friends and family and check in on them, as Aquarius is a social sign and also a humanitarian one it can be the perfect time to donate to a charity or do something for the greater good.

Perhaps you feel drawn to start working with the energy and power of the moon in your life or perhaps you already are. A particularly lovely aspect of working with the moon is the ceremonies and the sense of ritual and community that can go with it if you so choose and also the adaptations to your yoga practice to work with the energy around us.

If you would like to know more about incorporating and working with the cycles of the Moon within your life and your yoga practice then please get in touch.

Laura Thomas

Mythology and Moonology Yoga Teacher

Yoga Alliance Professionals


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